



The advant年龄s of a Maumee Valley education are many, from the rigor of our curriculum and the bonds formed with faculty and peers to the emphasis we place on well being and social-emotion development. One of the great areas of difference is in our approach to extracurricular activities, 尤其是我们对俱乐部的拥抱.

俱乐部提供一系列的好处, 包括个人成长, 社会互动, 技能发展, 接触新的体验. These experiences enrich the educational journey of Maumee Valley students and prepare them for success in other aspects of life.

How clubs and extracurricular activities enhance the classroom:


Clubs offer opportunities to develop new skills or hone existing ones. 无论是在辩论俱乐部, 艺术俱乐部, 或学生会, students gain valuable skills that are often not part of the standard curriculum.


Clubs allow students to explore 利益 and passions outside of the classroom. This can lead to a deeper understanding of what they enjoy and what they may want to pursue in the future, 学术上的或爱好上的.


Clubs provide a platform to interact with peers who share similar 利益. They can help build friendships and create a sense of belonging, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness.


Many clubs have leadership positions, such as president, treasurer, or secretary. Serving in these roles helps students develop leadership and organizational skills.


Some clubs focus on community service and volunteering. Engaging in such activities fosters a sense of social responsibility and teaches students the importance of giving back to their community.


Clubs can instill important values such as teamwork, responsibility, and discipline. Students often learn about respect for others’ opinions and ideas, which can lead to personal growth.


Being part of a club provides a sense of purpose and reduces stress. Engaging in activities they enjoy can improve mental well-being and overall happiness.


Participation can be a valuable addition to a college or job application. 它显示了承诺, 利益, 还有课外活动, which are often looked upon favorably by colleges and employers.


与文化相关的俱乐部, 语言, or international relations can foster greater cultural understanding and global awareness among students.


Being part of a club exposes students to different perspectives and ideas, which can broaden their horizons and encour年龄 critical thinking.


与艺术有关的俱乐部, 技术, or entrepreneurship can foster creativity and innovation, which are essential skills in today’s rapidly changing world.


Through setting and achieving goals within a club, students experience personal growth, 提高自尊, 还有成就感.


Clubs sometimes require students to work through disagreements or conflicts, teaching important skills in conflict resolution and negotiation.


  • Green Team (campus environmental programs)
  • Kids Council (internal programming such as Spirit Week)
  • 另类历史俱乐部
  • 艺术俱乐部
  • 国际象棋俱乐部
  • 编程和计算机科学俱乐部
  • 杂耍和魔术
  • 文学俱乐部
  • 机器人
  • 学生会

Clubs and other extracurricular activities are most robust in the 高中(9-12年级). 这是校园俱乐部, academic competitions and activities, and 学生会 and Student Government activities:


  • 公告俱乐部
  • 艺术俱乐部
  • 中国的俱乐部
  • 电影俱乐部
  • 计算机科学俱乐部
  • 舞蹈团队
  • 环保人士的俱乐部
  • Future Business Leaders of America
  • 性别性联盟
  • 全球领导力计划
  • 印度学生协会
  • 投资俱乐部
  • Latin American Student Organization
  • mg冰球突破试玩青年企业家
  • 模拟试验
  • 穆斯林学生协会
  • 神经发散学生联盟
  • PEP俱乐部
  • 哲学俱乐部
  • 写作俱乐部
  • 青少年外展

Academic competitions and activities

  • 美国数学委员会
  • 数学的疯狂
  • 模拟联合国
  • 测试碗
  • 机器人
  • 演讲及辩论
  • 山谷之声(学生报)
  • 风向标(年鉴)

学生会 and Student Government events and activities

  • 所有学校的程序集
  • 聚光灯
  • 咖啡馆
  • 学校的舞蹈
  • 同学会事件
  • 所有学校舞会

Student playing chess after school


Another distinction of Maumee Valley is our 课外俱乐部 program. These clubs generally once a week during certain periods each fall and spring. Open only to Maumee Valley students, the clubs are fee-based and led by faculty, 校友, and other members of the Toledo community.

Recent clubs have included Beginner Chess, Experienced Chess, and Girl Scouts. 经常, students attend a club and then join our 延长护理时间 program until a family member arrives to pick them up. This program is now being run by Ivy Camps USA.